

Le BTS Comptabilité-gestion est un diplôme d’Etat de niveau BAC+2. Il permet d’acquérir des compétences techniques et organisationnelles dans le domaine comptable.

Banques & Assurances

La filière  Banques & Assurances offre l’accès à une expertise dans la Finance des banques et des assurances. Les compétences acquises sont multiples

Javascript for Beginners Learn

Description This course if for absolute beginners, and it is an introduction of the mayor components of javascript. By learning the bigger things in Javascript, […]

JavaScript Beginner Bootcamp

Description This isn’t the only JavaScript course you should ever take…but it should be your first! JavaScript the Basics is your one stop course to enter […]

The Complete Investment Banking

Requirements Absolutely no experience is required. We will start with the basics and gradually build up your knowledge. Everything is in the course. A willingness […]